This health page will have links to many resources.
The first and most important thing to your health is breathing. Allot of us are not aware of how important it is to breath the right way, to understand the flow and how to direct your breathing throughout your entire body.
Our body's benefit when we are aware, about breathing. Please go to the site that I have posted on breathing. This site will put you in tune with your breathing. Remember if you feel weak and have no energy , breathing the right way Can HELP!
To heal any dis-ease in our body's' we must first get in tune with our body's'. And this is a great place to begin with the way we are breathing.
Other health resources on this page will be of:
1. Women and Men's' Hormones.
2. Thyroid problems - Hypo - Hyper. (eating rite with this). I posted a GREAT group address that is AWSOME!
You must sign up and receive a password. You then will be able to view all the information that is available about this disease. The folks are wonderful and well educated. Please if you have thyroid problems go to this site.
3. Knowing your blood type.
4. About Cancer.
5. As we age.
6. Miscellaneous- Allergies / DIABETIES/Osteoporosis /
things that can be toxic / Libido- Sex drive /
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